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Worldwide eZ Design Contest Looks For Best MSP430 MCU Implementation

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DALLAS, July 17 /PRNewswire/ -- Helping designers around the world showcase their talents, Texas Instruments Incorporated (NYSE: TXN) (TI) has announced plans for the MSP430 microcontroller (MCU) eZ design contest, to be held from July 17 - October 9, 2006. Contestants may submit projects ranging from practical everyday devices to industry-specific solutions that show off design skills using the world's lowest-power MSP430 MCUs and development tools, including the new eZ430-F2013 -- a USB stick based full emulation and development tool handed out at the recent MSP430 Day, a worldwide half day lunch and learn, that attracted over 12,000 registrants. For additional instructions on how to enter the MSP430 MCU eZ Design Contest, eligibility, design selection process and notification, please see: .

Contestants are invited to submit their original product designs along with elements including design schematics, MSP430 MCU firmware, technical diagrams, block diagrams, pictures of finished and incomplete designs or videos of running hardware. All design entries' main processor must be the MSP430 MCU, the industry's lowest power solution for 8- to 16-bit battery- powered applications including metering, portable instrumentation, intelligent sensing and consumer electronics.

Judges will focus on innovation and the best use of on-chip MSP430 MCU features to determine the first, second and third winners, who will be awarded a 61", 50" and 42" Samsung DLP HDTV, respectively, along with free entry and lodging for the 5th annual MSP430 Advanced Technical Conference (ATC) held in Dallas, TX on November 7-9, 2006.

TI Enables Innovation with a Broad Range of Controllers

From ultra low power MSP430 and 32-bit general purpose TMS470 ARM7-based MCUs to high performance TMS320C2000(TM) digital signal controllers, TI offers designers the broadest range of embedded control solutions. Designers can also accelerate their design to market by tapping into TI's complete software and hardware tools, extensive third party offerings and technical support. For more information on the broad range of TI's controllers, see .

About Texas Instruments:

Texas Instruments Incorporated provides innovative DSP and analog technologies to meet our customers' real world signal processing requirements. In addition to Semiconductor, the company includes the Educational & Productivity Solutions business. TI is headquartered in Dallas, Texas, and has manufacturing, design or sales operations in more than 25 countries.

Texas Instruments is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol TXN. More information is located on the World Wide Web at .


TMS320C2000 is a trademark of Texas Instruments. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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